Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Swimming Your Way to a Healthy Life
You might never be a Michael Phelps or a Usain Bolt, but why not take a page out of their workout routine. Even if you do not know how to swim well, there are still many ways to get around it and enjoy swimming as a workout. You can even listen to music. There are waterproof cases for Ipods, so you can listen to your favorite tunes while you swim. Music can certainly help you along those long laps in an Olympic-sized pool. (Lest that sound like a plug for the IPod, rest assured that there are several types of waterproof radios and MP3 players on the market as well!)
You should also acquire a variety of props, such as a "Pull buoy" -a molded piece of foam, which you squeeze between your legs as you swim. You are forced then to use only your upper body and arms for swimming, and the buoy provides added resistance in the water. Then again, there's a variety of kickboards, which enable you to rest your upper arms on this appropriately shaped piece of foam, so that only your legs propel you through the water, thus giving your legs a pretty good workout.
Ever heard of aqua jogging?
For people who are just coming out of certain surgeries, or people who are extremely overweight, walking can be an almost insurmountable chore. But the water of a pool makes people extremely buoyant, and so practically anybody can exercise their limbs in water.
In order to aqua-jog, people wear a special foam belt around their waists, which helps keep them upright in the water. Then, simply "walk" or "run" across the bottom of the pool, and continue that motion once you get into deep water (the belt helps keep you vertical). Special finned gloves are also available to help propel you along. Aqua jogging is so effective that even tri-athletes are using it as a training tool - obviously they are aqua running, instead! Special foot floats or weighted boots are used to help increase muscle strength.
If you're in to water aerobics, then there is quite a lot of gear you can pick up for that, as well.
Water gloves, wrist and ankle weights, and water aerobic shoes are a must have. Water noodles are fun to play with, too! There is a wide variety of exercise equipment and toys out there that will not only make your swimming routine a success, but enjoyable at the same time.
Eating for a Healthy Heart – part 2
Group 3: Fats and oil: There are two types of fats and oil, saturated and the unsaturated fats. They all contain the same amount of calories and are composed of fatty acids. At room temperature saturated fats are solid while unsaturated fats tend to be liquid. Examples are:
Meat fat (beef, pork, lard. Mutton, dripping).
Dairy fat (cheese, butter, cream)
Plant fat (palm oil, coconut oil)
Processed fat (cakes, biscuits. Pies, snacks, margarine)
Saturated fats increase blood cholesterol and LDL-C levels rise is linked with risks of heart diseases. So it is highly required that you reduce your intake of saturated fatty acids.
Unsaturated fats are found mainly in vegetable. It is sub-divided into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. The monounsaturated fat is oleic acid, the main constituent of olive oil. This oleic acid is known to protect the heart by reducing the artery clogging LDL-C and then makes the blood platelets less sticky and less likely to form blood clots.
Other major source of monounsaturated fats are canola oil, nuts, and peanut oil. Research showed that eating nuts can significantly lower the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL-C) in the blood.
The polyunsaturated fats have two families, the Omega-6 and Omega-3. Omega-6 fatty acids are found mainly in vegetable source such as sunflower, sesame seeds, corn, and safflower margarine and soy oil. While Omega-3 are found in oily fish such as trout, salmon, sardine, mullet, tuna, anchovies, herring, mackerel, also in green leafy vegetable,canola, soya , rapeseed and walnut oil. It is advised to consume more of Omega-3 because fish oil is a very rich source of eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and decosahexanoic acid (DHA) which helps maintain a healthy heart. They have shown to:
Reduce blood pressure
Reduce thrombosis (blood clot) by thinning the blood
Reduce blood triglyceride levels.
So as you enjoy fish in your meals, try to include one portion of oily fish.
Group 4: Proteins: are made up of amino acids and is required for the repair and maintenance of all body tissues, in fact it’s called the building block of life. The major dietary sources of protein are all type of fish, meat, eggs, milk, cheese, beans, peas, lentil, nuts, and cereal grains. Different food contains different type of protein, so it is important to eat a variety of protein source to ensure you are getting enough from each.
Group 5: Vitamin and minerals: these are essential part of your diet. They are the anti-oxidant that your body needs to fight off diseases. We have the fat soluble vitamins (vitamins. A, D, E, & K) while the water-soluble vitamins are all the eight B vitamins, vitamin C and folic acid. The main anti-oxidant is vitamin C, vitamin A in form of beta-carotene, and vitamin E. This helps the heart by reducing the oxidation of LDL-C, thereby reducing the buildup of fatty deposits in the arterial walls. Sources are all kinds of fruits, vegetables, corn, olive and vegetable oils, cottonseed, apricots, sweet potatoes. Most often folic acid and the B vitamins are readily available from our balanced diet. The good source includes leafy green vegetables like spinach and broccoli, cereals, rice, milk, eggs, fish, citrus fruits, potatoes, berries.
Finally drinking enough water helps to flush out the unwanted materials in the body. By making good choices in your meal and eating well, you can reduce the risk of developing heart diseases. Enjoy! You deserve the good health.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Don't Do These 7 Things If you Don't Want Dry Skin
Dry skin:
Normal healthy skin has a thin layer that protects it, which is basically a thin layer of fat called lipids. They keep in moisture, leaving the skin soft and supple. Usually, something in the environment, or something you're doing to your skin, is stripping away these fatty oils, leaving your skin unprotected. Less often, the cause is internal; a health condition or genetic predisposition is making your skin dry out.
Eczema is term for a group of skin conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed or irritated. It can be the result of allergies, asthma, or hay fever. Symptoms include extreme itchiness, dryness and redness. The area often becomes infected due to scratching, and the eczema can crack, causing oozing and weeping of the area.
Dermatitis is a general term that describes an inflammation of the skin, accompanied by redness and itchiness. The differences between dermatitis & eczema are not always easy to spot since the conditions are very similar. Dermatitis is an allergic reaction to a substance, such as a chemical in soaps or makeup, that comes in contact with the skin. Eczema, on the other hand, is often the result of allergies, asthma or hay fever.
Don't Want Dry Skin? Then Don't Do these 7 Things
Don't #1: Don't Wait too long After the Bath for the Lotion
A big help for all three issues is to apply moisturizing cream right after a shower. This will seal in the moisture from the bath. For dry skin in general, one tip is to apply natural skin care balms ( to your skin as soon as you get out of the shower to trap the water moisture that is already there.
Don't #2: Don't Take Long Showers
Don't take long showers. Long showers will steal the lipid layer from your skin, causing dry skin. It is very nice to take a long shower but if your skin problem is very bad, shorten the shower time.
Don't #3: Don't Take Super Hot Showers
The temperature of the water in the shower also matters. When you shower with extremely hot water, the lipid layer that keeps in moisture on the skin is depleted. Therefore, take shorter, colder showers. These two factors dry out the natural lipid layer from your skin, causing dryness.
Don't #4: Don't Wear Wool
Another factor to consider is the clothes that you wear. Wool dries out the skin and it should be avoided if your skin is severely dry. Try to wear softer fabrics, like cotton, or cashmere.
Don't #5: Don't Sit in a Dry Air House
A big plus is a humidifier in the home, especially in the winter time when the rising thermostat dries out the air. The humidifier will replace the atmosphere's moisture, helping your skin in turn.
Don't #6: Don't Scratch Eczema!
Don't scratch at the eczema! This will cause more oozing and more dryness later.
Don't #7: Don't be Ignorant about Your Dermatitis
As for dermatitis, the allergen causing it has to be found. Try not wearing jewelry for a few days, or try taking a shower with a new soap free of perfumes and other allergens.
Skin Care Products (
Healthy Teeth for Babies Key to future Dental Health
Fortunately, dental disease can be easily prevented and afforded by the lower strata of the society too. Here are two simple tips for babies for retaining a healthy smile for a long time:
1. Practice healthy eating and healthy habits
Healthy habits are a must for having healthy teeth. Many dental cavities in baby teeth are caused due to incorrect feeding practices when they are very young. Putting your baby to bed with a bottle can lead to early dental health issues. Once you notice your baby is done with feeding enough, it is best to wean the bottle away to prevent exposing teeth to liquids with sugar for long periods.
2. Rinse teeth with water after meals
Don’t start brushing your children's teeth until they eat solid foods, but simply rinse their teeth with water after meals can wash away many food particles that lead to tooth decay. Once your children's teeth start growing and become strong, you can use a toothbrush, even if you're not actually brushing their teeth. This will help babies to learn healthy brushing techniques for the future and clean the debris and dirt from their teeth due to eating of sugary foods.
Take your child to the dentist on its first birthday itself. American Dental Association (AMA) recommends that parents should consult the dentist after six months of the coming of the first tooth or its first birthday. Do not wait until a child is three or older for taking him or her to the dentist.
You can save money on Childs dental health by enrolling to discount dental plans which save a lot of money though discounts on dental checkups. These plans allow many to save on various dental procedures and consultation and some offer additional benefits. is the leading provider of discount dental plans. You can ask live experts from the site on how you can save money in dental procedures. The site recommends their innovative plan featured by Aetna. Search for dentists near your residence and get discounts on specialty services such as braces, and other dental equipment etc.
Tempeh: A Healthy Food
If you care about eating healthy food, you certainly put tempeh in your daily menu. Tempeh is an original Indonesian food which has been consumed for centuries. Made of soy bean through fermentation process, tempeh has given a lot of benefits for human body because the nutritions in tempeh are easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body.
Vitamins and Minerals contained in Tempeh
Tempeh is potentially rich with vitamin. There are two groups of vitamins in tempe , vitamin B complex and vitamin A, D, E, K. Tempeh is very special since it contains vitamin B 12 which is commonly found in animal products not in vegetable products. So, by consuming tempeh, vegetarians no need to worry if they are lack of vitamin B 12.
Macro and micro minerals in sufficient amount can also be found in tempeh. Certain minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc are also available in tempeh. Consuming tempeh regularly can also prevent someone from anemia.
The benefits of Tempeh
Since the nutritions in tempeh can be absorbed easily by human body, so it can be consumed by all ages. Regular consumption of tempeh can increase the weight of children who are suffering from malnutrition. Not only that , it can also cure people with diarrhea in a quite short time.
Tempeh also contains an antioxidant substance which is potential to fight free radicals. There are three kinds of isoflavon in soybean, i.e daidzein, glisitein and genistein. Aside from these isoflavons, there is also antioxidant factor 2 which has the strongest nature of antioxidant compared to other isoflavons in soybean. So, consuming tempe regularly can block cel damage and finally prevent early aging.
The research done in The University of North carolina in USA has shown that tempeh contains genestein and phytoestrogen which can prevent prostate and breast cancer.
With its huge benefits, availablity and cheap price, people really must start to consume tempeh. How about you?
Eating for a Healthy Heart – part 1
The availability of wide variety of foods now in the market, has given us a good range of choices than before. The question is: are you making the best of it?
The science of nutrition has grown progressively over the last two decades and now provides us with a firm foundation on how to make recommendations for a healthy eating.
It is now very clear to us that a poor nutrition will increase the risk of heart and other various diseases, while good nutrition can substantially reduce these risks.
Because different food contains many different types of nutrient in various proportions, no single food can provide you with the entire nutrient you need for a balanced diet. This why variety in your diet is very important because it allows you to obtain different nutrient from a wide range of sources. This can be best achieved by choosing food from these five main food groups daily.
Group 1 - Carbohydrates: Is a dietary source of glucose that is very important to our body and they come in two main forms: simple and complex sugar.
The simple sugar are the simplest form of carbohydrate and comes as one or two molecule combination, i.e.:
Monosaccharides (one molecule sugar) - glucose, galactose and fructose.
Disaccharides (two molecule sugar) - lactose, maltose and sucrose.
Glucose, the one we call blood sugar is found mainly in all fruits and vegetables. Fructose been the sweetest known natural sugar, is found in honey and some sweet fruits.
The diasaccharides which are monosaccharides linked together always contain at least one molecule of glucose. Lactose which is made up of glucose and galactose is mainly found in milk sugar. Maltose is found in malted milk drinks and it is made up of two glucose molecules. While sucrose, our familiar white packet sugar is made up of glucose and fructose.
Simple sugar stimulates the release of insulin and, since insulin is related to hunger, you will tend to feel hungry again in less time than with a complex sugar
Although the consumption of white sugar may have fallen dramatically in the U.S. and U.K, still other source of sugar such as candies, chocolates and confectioneries continues to make a large contribution to our daily diet. In fact, it is quite difficult to find any processed food that does not contain at least some amount of sugar.
The complex sugar, on the other hand, is made up of glucose but unlike the simple sugar, they do not dissolve in water and need cooking before it could be digested. Examples are flour, pastas, beans, bread and potatoes.
Believe this, sugar is not as evil as we are meant to believe, in fact it is very essential for a balance diet and for a healthy meal, but caution and moderation is required.
Group 2 - Dietary fiber: or roughage is a form of carbohydrate. It forms the cell wall of plant foods. It is the part of our food that is not digested by our body. Fiber comes in two forms, the soluble and the insoluble fiber. The soluble fiber is are found in oatmeal, lentil, peas, beans, citrus fruits, apples, bananas and some vegetables. They dissolve in water and form gel in the stomach and helps lower level of blood cholesterol, especially the bad cholesterol.
The insoluble fiber helps to promoted soft bulky stool. You get this type of dietary fiber from whole grain meal, nuts, breakfast cereals, bran products and brown rice. Eat more of whole meal bread which contains twice as much fiber as which bread.
Generally increase your consumption of fiber, particularly soluble fiber. And if you must drink alcoholic beverage, consume in moderation. Lower or if necessary avoid foods high in cholesterol e.g. eggs, liver, kidney, red meat. Choose complex sugar over simple sugar. Reduce salt intake because salt is linked to development of blood pressure and drink plenty of water. Eat to live and live to eat. Enjoy!
Explore the Health Benefits of Swedish Massage Therapy
What is Swedish Massage Therapy Good For?
Have you thought about seeking massage therapy for healing or relaxation? There are many techniques of Swedish massage therapy to choose from. Some therapies, such as those used for athletes, are focused on healing injured tissue by increasing circulation and preventing injury that can be caused by tense muscles.
Other therapies combine massage with soft music, dim lighting and soothing aromatherapy oils to relieve stress and enhance feelings of well being.
Massage therapy can also provide relief from many common ailments from morning sickness to migraines.
What are the benefits of Swedish Massage Therapy?
Massage helps with the circulation of blood and the release of toxins. Massage increases the circulation of oxygen through the body, helping to heal muscles and reduce tension. The increased circulation can also increase lymphatic drainage helping to rid the body of excess fluids and waste.
The physical manipulation of muscles can break down any scar material, thickening or inflammation of the tissues which can increase mobility and reduce stiffness. The additional mobility and toning can help prevent injury, especially for athletes who use massage therapy as part of their regular training.
Proper techniques of massage therapy can also help relieve constipation and gas and encourage proper digestion.
Relaxation of the physical body can also reduce the effects of stress physiologically. After a session of massage therapy you may feel relaxed, refreshed and feel greater self-esteem.
Eastern Versus Western Massage
The type of therapy you choose will be based on your personal preference or the purpose of the therapy. One of the most common forms of massage is based on Swedish massage which involves the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body with the masseuse’s’s hands. Swedish massage is often used for general relaxation and increasing mobility of the joints but can also be adapted to target specific problems.
The other common form of massage has Eastern origins. These techniques are performed by putting pressure on specific areas of the body with fingers or other blunt objects (acupressure) or needles (acupuncture). These techniques are used to relieve ailments such as: headaches, nausea, depression, pain, digestive disorders as well as stress and other ailments.
There are many variations on these techniques and what appeals to one person may be very different for someone else. Feeling comfortable with the technique as well as the practitioner is important in experiencing the full benefits of the massage. Whatever method you choose you are wise to take time to find the right person for you; determine if the practitioner is trained, qualified, insured and has recommendations before starting treatment and feel comfortable with the setting you will be receiving your Swedish massage therapy in.
Indian Healthcare - New Avenues for Growth
India represents the world’s second largest populated country. With a rapidly expanding economy and increasing urbanization, the prevalence of a number of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular, diabetes, arthritis and cancer, has increased rapidly in India. So the country is becoming a source of opportunities for players operating in these segments.
"Indian Healthcare - New Avenues for Growth” report contains unique market-based research and provides a detailed and objective analysis on the Indian healthcare market. It offers a thorough statistical and analytical overview of the Indian healthcare market coupled with past, present and future forecast till 2012 on the entire structure, composition and working of the Indian healthcare sector. It studies a number of lucrative sectors such as hospital services, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, outsourcing services, infrastructure, and path labs together with a number of other sectors.
The report concludes that although India’s healthcare represents one of the biggest opportunity areas, it faces a number of challenges, like affordability and accessibility of healthcare, lack of government support and lack of awareness regarding quality healthcare services. However, the country is working towards overcoming these challenges and matching the standards of developed countries.
Key Findings of the Report
- Total healthcare spending in India is expected to grow at a CAGR of 17% between 2007 and 2012.
- In India, 80% of healthcare payments are still paid out-of-pocket.
- Around 76 Million Indians are expected to be above 65 years of age by 2012, thereby increasing the prevalence of several chronic diseases.
- India, with one of largest population with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, has created a huge opportunity for healthcare products and services for these indications.
- The large-scale prevalence of both infectious and lifestyle-related diseases has created a big opportunity for the IVD market in India.
- Strong human resources and cost advantage has enabled India to emerge as a strong outsourcing destination.
Key Issues & Facts Analyzed in the Report
- Evaluation of past, current and future market trends.
- Segment-wise analysis of the market.
- Discussion about the major drivers of the healthcare market.
- Analysis of the opportunities created by the market.
- Overview on the major challenges for the market.
- Study of the competitive landscape of the market.
Research Methodology Used in the Report
Information Sources
Information has been sourced from books, newspapers, trade journals, white papers, industry portals, government agencies, trade associations, monitoring industry news and developments, and through access to over 3000 paid databases.
Analysis Methods
RNCOS industry forecast and analysis is based on various macro- and microeconomic factors, sector and industry specific databases, and our in-house statistical and analytical model. This model takes into account the past and current trends in an economy, and more specifically in an industry, to bring out an objective market analysis.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
What is Asthma and What Do I Do If I Have It?
What is asthma? Do you really know what the heck asthma is? Having asthma means that your lungs and airways are very sensitive to certain things. Find out what being sensitive means and what you should do about it.
If you have asthma and your airways get irritated here is what is happening:
1.The insides of your airways begin to swell which makes the space for air to get thru much smaller.
2. The muscles on the outside of your airways start trying to squeeze your airways shut. So now the space for air to get thru gets even smaller.
3. To make things even worse, your airways begin to fill with gunk or what some people call mucus or phlegm.
We usually call this having an asthma attack when these things happen. These attacks are a very frightening experience. Many times they can also cause panic, especially in children. Not being able to breathe can bring the best of us to our knees.
Those attacks that are not real serious can be handled with the simple use of an asthma inhaler. These provide very quick relief. Other more serious attacks require more serious measures.
Emergency room visits are usually called for when having a serious attack. Being able to recognize when an attack is about to happen can give you the time to take some precautions, such as getting to a safe place or making sure that you have your emergency inhaler nearby.
The most common asthma symptoms include wheezing, tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, and coughing.
Asthma attacks are triggered by things that you are sensitive to. These are called your asthma triggers. Many people with allergies also have asthma. The things that cause your allergies might also cause you to have as asthma attack. But there are many other things that can also cause your airways to get irritated.
Getting to know what your asthma triggers are is very important. Not everybody has the same list of triggers so you need to find out what yours are. You need to try to eliminate coming into contact with your triggers once you figure them out.
Treatment for an asthma attack is usually done with a quick-relief inhaler. While these inhalers do provide instant relief to someone having an attack, they do not do anything to prevent the attack from happening again.
There are prescription medications that you take daily to help reduce the usage of the quick-relief inhalers. You need to follow directions for using your inhaler because overuse can be dangerous. These prescription meds can be taken with inhalers or orally.
An answer to the question of what is asthma could be that it means you will have to take multiple medications for the rest of your life.
Prescription medications are not very effective at completely eliminating your asthma symptoms and attacks. They certainly don't cure your asthma. They do not even try.
Another big problem with these medications is that they come with potentially dangerous side effects. Many people end up with symptoms that are worse than the ones they started with.
So what is asthma? Having asthma means that you will have to suffer from your asthma symptoms and take prescription medications for the rest of your life
Hepatitis A - How You Get it and What it Does to Your Body
Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver, which is caused by viruses, medications and toxic agents. Currently, at least five (5) forms of viral hepatitis are recognized which in this article we will learn about Hepatitis A, how it spreads and how to prevent infection.
How hepatitis spreads
Hepatitis A (HAV) is spread primarily by oral contact with feces of an infected person (oral-fecal contact), including contaminated food or water sources, and any sexual contact, especially oral-anal sex.
Hepatitis A easily spreads among young children in kindergartens and day cares as many cannot wash their own hands and are in diapers and since children normally have no symptoms, no one may know that they might be infected.
On rare occasions hepatitis A has been spread through blood transfusion, using blood products or sharing personal tools and equipments specially sharing needles or other injecting equipment which is contaminated with hepatitis A infected blood.
Transmission by blood rarely happens because the virus cannot stay present for long. As it enters the blood onset of infection occurs.
Symptoms of Hepatitis
Since hepatitis A is an acute disease, it produces an initial acute phase with few symptoms. If any symptom is realized, they tend to be similar to flu like symptoms:
- muscle or joint aches
- mild fever
- vomiting
- nausea
- slight abdominal pain
- loss of appetite
- fatigue
- diarrhea
The acute phases and their symptoms are rarely serious or fatal, but occasionally a rapidly progressing form may lead to death.
Gradually the conditions worsen and theses symptoms are experienced:
- jaundice (yellowed skin, mucous membranes and eye-whites)
- light colored stools that may contain pus
- dark urine
- itching
- hives
The types of hepatitis are then distinguished by the course of the hepatitis and the varied outcome after the acute phase.
Prevention of Hepatitis
To prevent hepatitis A, always remember to the following:
Sexual Prevention:
- do not get involved in a sexual intercourse.
- commit to mutual monogamy (having sex with only one uninfected partner).
- Cut up non lubricated latex condoms or use of any moisture barriers, for example household plastic wrap or dams (square piece of latex) can help reduce the risk of transmitting Hepatitis A virus during oral-anal sex.
Non-Sexual Prevention:
- Avoid sharing drug-injection equipment especially drug needles.
- Avoid contaminated water or food sources. Only eat freshly prepared foods. drink commercially bottled or well boiled water, that too in places where water supply and sanitation are healthy and don't eat non-peeled raw vegetables or fruits unless cleaned properly.
- Do practice good personal hygiene, especially washing hands after using the toilet or changing any diapers or sanitary pads.
- To inactivate hepatitis A virus, heat the food at temperatures above 85 degrees Celsius for 1 minute or disinfect the surfaces with a 1:100 dilution of bleach in tap water (1 part bleach for every 100 parts of water).
- It is very important for you to take a 'hepatitis A vaccination' before you travel to areas like Eastern Europe, Mexico, and other developing countries.
To Your Health!
Natural Acne Treatment Tips
But whatever you might call it, acne is a condition that adolescents and adults would rather not deal because it can be very burdensome, regardless if the case is mild or severe. A person suffering from acne may often feel self-conscious, embarrassed and helpless.
Over the years, as medicine continues to advance, more and more acne treatment methods have sprung up, promising to clear up pimples within weeks or days.
The most common acne treatment recommended by dermatologists is the use of antibiotics, typically tetracycline-type derivatives formulated to kill the acne-causing propioniform bacteria responsible for the inflammation and infection. Topical agents such as benzyl peroxide also work the same way.
There are now techie ways to treat acne, like the Zeno acne blemish device. This hand-held gadget is used to heat up the skin to kill the propioniform bacteria and trigger the influx of heat-shock proteins that also help kill the bacteria and reduce inflammation in the pores.
One acne treatment method with a bad rap is Accutane (isotretinoin), a powerful drug used to inhibit the amount of oil being secreted in the skin follicles. Though it was proven to be effective in clearing up acne, Accutane is also a classified as a category X drug because it is guaranteed to cause birth defects. Other Accutane side effects include depression, psychosis, aggression and suicide.
Most acne treatment methods are just quick fixes; they only treat the symptoms but not the cause. While a lot of products and methods do work to an extent, the acne usually reappears after a few weeks of stopping the treatment.
You'd be surprised to learn that preventing acne isn't really that complicated. The first thing you need to realize is that contrary to what many skin experts believe, the food that you eat has a lot to do with acne.
Because heredity and hormones are contributing factors, if you are predisposed to developing acne lesions and are eating food that is increasing your insulin levels and related insulin growth factors, you will have acne.
Foods that contain refined carbohydrates and sugar increase insulin and an insulin-like growth factor called IGF-1 in your body. This results in the secretion of sebum, a greasy substance that attracts the acne-causing propioniform bacteria.
Now that you've learned that diet has everything to do with acne, here are some natural acne treatment tips:
* Reduce the amount of grains and sugars you consume, including bread, cereal, pasta, rice, potatoes and corn – to radically lower your insulin production. Try the No-Grain Diet.
* Take a quality probiotic supplement – If you're using antibiotics to treat acne, they kill the propioniform bacteria but they also wipe out the good bacteria in your gut.
* Optimize your vitamin D levels – You produce over 200 antimicrobial peptides when you're getting enough vitamin D from regular sun exposure. If you can't get enough sun, you can use a safe tanning bed or supplement with oral vitamin D. The correct supplement to take is vitamin D3. You have to monitor your vitamin D levels with a blood test at regular intervals if you decide to take supplements.
* Minimize your stress levels.
* Use only organic skin care products for your face.
* Wash your hands regularly and avoid unnecessarily touching your face. Don't scratch, squeeze, pick or rub your skin because it will only make the problem worse and cause scarring.
* Regularly shampoo your hair and if possible, keep it off your face, especially at night.
Hepatitis C - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Causes of Hepatitis C:
Passing on of Hepatitis C from the mother to the baby, there is a possibility of the infection been passed on from the mother who suffers from Hepatitis C to be passed on to the newborn, but in this case the chances are very few. Sharing of razors, toothbrushes and scissors: there are chances of hepatitis C being transferred by the sharing of these things and also unsterilized body piercing or tattooing equipment.
In case you have received any blood donated before the September of the year 1991 as the blood which was donated at that time was hepatitis C positive and people have been diagnosed by hepatitis C.
Hepatitis C can also be transmitted through bodily fluids. This is possible in case of sexual intercourse, the risk in this case is perpetual, in case you fear that either of you could be diagnosed by hepatitis C it is advisable to get it verified. There are chances of hepatitis C being positive in case you get punctured accidentally by a needle. Abroad blood transfusions are common, in case the equipment is not well sterilized well; there are chances of hepatitis C being transferred. But hepatitis C is not transmitted by coming in contact with people, like by kissing, sharing of utensils, hugging and from toilet seats.
Symptoms of Hepatitis C:
Commonly people are not affected by the disease initially. There are chances that symptoms like flu, pain in the joints, fatigue, appetite going down and also vomiting sensation may be experienced, all this after about a week of being infected. In about one out of five cases that are diagnosed with hepatitis C, the immune system would resolve the virus from the system in about six months.
However, in some cases of chronic hepatitis C, the virus is active for many years; and even then there are no indications for years together. Although there are no symptoms, the virus can be transmitted by them to others. In a few cases the liver of the sufferer is not affected and he or she is living a normal life. But in chronic cases, there is damage to the liver and the symptoms are, tiredness, loss of weight, liver pain, aching muscles, nausea and jaundice in which the skin and the white part of the eye turns yellow in color.
Treatments of Hepatitis C:
There is no vaccine made till date in order to help you stay against or even recover from hepatitis C. But there are treatments which help in clearing the virus. The treatment for hepatitis C is an amalgamation of two drugs, ribavirin and interferon. In case the treatment doesn't clean up the virus, it at least slows down the damage and inflammation in the liver. The medications which are given for hepatitis C cause a lot of side effects.
Immune System - Will Omega-3 Fish Oil Help The Immune System?
What the Immune System Does
The immune system of the human body consists of many organs, including the skin, proteins within the bloodstream, cells and tissues. Its function is to prevent diseases, infections and tumors. Yet, for a variety of reasons, it does not always work as it should. A variety of nutritional supplements can be used to promote healthy immune system function. One of them is fish oil, because of the omega-3 fatty acids it contains.
In immunodeficiency diseases, the body cannot fight off disease or infection. These diseases are life threatening and require, lifestyle and pharmaceutical interventions, as well as nutritional support, if the patient is to survive.
Autoimmune diseases are much more common. In these diseases, the immune system attacks healthy cells, in the same way that it would attack an invading pathogen. Some of the most common autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. But, chronic inflammation plays a role in many other diseases, some of which are life-threatening.
Inflammation & Fish Oil
Inflammation is a natural immune system response to infection. Injured or infected cells release eicosanoids and cytokines. These are the molecules that cause redness and swelling. But, in many cases, they are present in the bloodstream when there is no infection; no reason for inflammation. Here’s why fish oil is beneficial.
Inflammation Affects Joints, Arteries, Heart...
Omega-3 fatty acids are converted within the body into anti-inflammatory molecules, while omega-6s are converted to inflammatory ones. Most people get too many omega6s in the diet and not enough omega-3s. So, inflammation is negatively affecting their joints and arteries, as well as all of the cells of the body. Chronic inflammation is even a factor that supports the growth of cancerous tumors. A good fish oil supplement can help restore the balance, support the joints and arteries, prevent cancer and heart disease.
Allergies, Asthma, Dermatis...
Studies indicate that omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for preventing allergies, asthma and other types of hypersensitivities. Hypersensitivity is similar to an autoimmune disease, in that it is an inappropriate response to a non-toxic substance. Dermatitis (itchy and inflamed skin) is a type of hypersensitivity.
Fish Oil & Multi-Nutrient Supplement- Powerful Combination
People that frequently have colds, upper respiratory infections, influenza or other common illnesses have a poorly functioning immune system. This may be due to an underlying illness. But, it is often due to inadequate nutritional intake. Fish oil provides the necessary omega-3 fatty acids, but alone is not enough to reduce the risk of catching a cold or the flu. All of the essential vitamins and minerals, as well as trace elements and cofactors are needed for the body to prevent viruses from replicating and causing an infection.
Use Distilled Fish Oil ONLY
All fish oil supplements should be molecularly distilled. Otherwise they are likely to contain contaminants, such as mercury and cancer-causing dioxins. The percentage of omega-3 fatty acids in a supplement, as well as the type, varies from one fish species to another. Manufacturers should list the amount of each omega3 that the supplement provides somewhere on the label.
It may be necessary to do a little research in order to be sure that the oils are molecularly distilled. But, if you want the benefits to your immune system, you should take the time to do the research.
Don't Allow Stress to Make You Fat
Emotional eating is immediate gratification for a stressful problem. It's painless and feels good right away, but is often just a cover up for underlying troubles. Emotional eating is a complex problem. For many people, it's a pattern that they've practiced for years and years -- perhaps even since their childhood. Emotional eating is one of the most prevalent and accepted practices in today's culture. While it is broadly accepted and joked about, this is something that can be managed so you are better able to cope with life without using food as a crutch.
Emotional eating is considered an unhealthy practice since it can lead to obesity or malnutrition, depending on the severity of the practice and the explicit relationship of food to emotions. Studies show that the logic behind why many people gain weight -- and keep it on -- is emotional eating, not eating to relieve hunger.
Emotional eating is part of our society. We use food to celebrate, to cope with trouble, to deal with a hard day at work and even boredom (ever sit in front of the TV eating mindlessly?) When one does it occasionally, it's not a big dilemma. Emotional eating is by no means always an indication of an eating disorder but it is regularly a contributing aspect in cases of obesity and its associated health risks. This is an example of food addiction which is very stubborn to resolve.
Emotional eaters can pursue some steps in order to cultivate an improved relationship with emotions and food. First off, a person should understand that while food is important to live, to have too much of a passion for it is not healthy. Generally, the emotional eater believes that she must eat to calm the unwelcome emotions being felt. Clear your head. Call a buddy, go for a hike, write, chat to a counselor, do yoga, tidy the backyard, or scrub the bathroom. Exercise releases endorphins and adrenaline, which make you feel good and give you a boost of energy. A speedy 15-minute workout or walk will help you empty your head and deal with what is actually bothering you. Exercise raises your neurotransmitters and helps you so that you're less emotional, you have healthier emotions. Steer away from mindlessly eating food and feel your real emotions.
Instead of trying to focus on what they are eating, the emotional eater should learn new skills to cope with traumatic situations. Regularly this requires the help of a personal coach or psychotherapist who deals with emotional eating. Instead, food is the middleman between sensing something we don't want to feel and freezing or distracting ourselves from experiencing it. We don't eat for enjoyment, taste, or particular sensations, we eat for the effect the food will have on us. We eat because we're happy or sad, outraged or depressed, bored, or worried. Hunger is the least of it. Hunger is sometimes associated with irrational fears of being deprived or even abandoned. This can lead to panic when hunger approaches.
Often people handle stress and damaging feelings with food which may prove to be very unhealthy in the long-term. We can pile on weight, and multiply our cholesterol levels, putting us in danger of a series of health problems in the future. Discovering new methods to resolve your problems and cope with stress will drive food out of the equation. You'll feel good about discovering solutions which will replace your dependence on food.
How To Lose Body Fat The Healthy Way
So many retailers out there are constantly trying to sell you products that will help you gain muscles, reduce fat, and lose weight in no time. The truth is that there is not a healthy way of developing strong muscles or getting a flat stomach for 1 or even for 6 months when at the same time you have high percentage of fat. All these ads and commercials you see around are created by people who want to sell you a product so that they can benefit from it, no matter that what they sell could be extremely unhealthy or ineffective.
It is very important that you understand that nobody can help you but YOU. There is no chance that you can achieve a well-built body if you have a high percentage of subcutaneous fat. That is why you need to do cardio workouts all the time. If you only do cardio exercises and do not separate any time for power exercises you will not be able to succeed. You need to combine them in order to achieve successful results. If you have decided that you would finally start working out but all you would do is just lifting weights, then you are totally on the wrong track.
You MUST separate a large amount of your time for cardio workouts. This does not only include running on the treadmill for 45 min, but it also means to get on that bike, elliptical and stepper and do a pretty effective job. Cardio exercising not only decreases the percentage of body fat in your body, but it also drastically improves your blood circulation, reduces stress, and normalizes your heart activity.
If you know that you are in a bad shape physically but despite this you want to lose fat, you need to start with long cardio exercises on a low-intensity level, such as very slow walking on the treadmill, or less intense biking. If you are fit, you can go ahead and increase the speed and incline on the treadmill or do more rapid rotations on the elliptical without worrying this can damage you.
These cardio workouts should be 4 to 6 times a week from 30 to 50 minutes (for beginners). You should not only run for 45 minutes, but you need to mix cardio with power exercises. For example, you can go for 15 minutes on the treadmill, then for another 15 on the bike, and finish up with some power exercises. If you do less cardio than what is recommended you will not see big results. However, if you do much more than you should then you are in danger of losing any muscle mass you already have.
Some people think that if they run for an hour and a half every day, and that is all they do, they will lose weight in no time. From one side these people are right, but from the other side they will not only lose weight but also body muscles. If you lose a big percentage of muscles, what happens is that your body gets more vulnerable to gain fat. That is why it is of a big importance that you always combine weight lifting and cardio workouts.
If you, if you could return, don't let it burn, don't let it fade.
I'm sure I'm not being rude, but it's just your attitude,
It's tearing me apart, It's ruining everything.
I swore, I swore I would be true, and honey, so did you.
So why were you holding her hand? Is that the way we stand?
Were you lying all the time? Was it just a game to you?
But I'm in so deep. You know I'm such a fool for you.
You got me wrapped around your finger, ah, ha, ha.
Do you have to let it linger? Do you have to, do you have to,
Do you have to let it linger?
Oh, I thought the world of you.
I thought nothing could go wrong,
But I was wrong. I was wrong.
If you, if you could get by, trying not to lie,
Things wouldn't be so confused and I wouldn't feel so used,
But you always really knew, I just wanna be with you.
But I'm in so deep. You know I'm such a fool for you.
You got me wrapped around your finger, ah, ha, ha.
Do you have to let it linger? Do you have to, do you have to,
Do you have to let it linger?
And I'm in so deep. You know I'm such a fool for you.
You got me wrapped around your finger, ah, ha, ha.
Do you have to let it linger? Do you have to, do you have to,
Do you have to let it linger?
You know I'm such a fool for you.
You got me wrapped around your finger, ah, ha, ha.
Do you have to let it linger? Do you have to, do you have to,
Do you have to let it linger?
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